turn up

turn upturn up1.开大; 翻起Please turn the radio up a little.请把收音机开大一点。He turned up the collar of his coat.他把大衣领子翻起来。The ploughman turned up some buried treasure.那农夫用犁翻起了一些埋葬的财宝。2.出现He didn't turn up until half an hour later.半小时后他才出现。

turn up1.向上(翻、翘),翻起,翘起,卷起:He turned up the ends of his trousers and waded across the river.他卷起裤脚蹚过河。2.(折起衣边或加宽折边)把(衣服)改短:She turned up her skirt.她把她的裙子折边改短。3.把…翻转过来;使…面朝上,把…向上翻;使仰卧:They turned up the soil and planted trees.他们翻土种树。4.翻掘,发掘出;发现,找到:The ploughman turned up some relics of ancient times.这个农民从土里犁出了些古代遗物。5.旋大,开大(以增加流量、速度、强度、响度等):Please turn up the desk lamp a bit.请把台灯扭亮一点。to turn up the air-conditioning unit把空调开大6.转身登上(山路等);弯入,拐入(任何街道或道路):We turned up a quiet street.我们拐进一条僻静的街道。7.有向上的趋势;上升,增加;改进;好转:The economy seems to be turning up.经济似乎在复苏。The yen is turning up.日元在回升。8.突然发生,出现:No one knows what may turn up tomorrow.谁也不知道明天会发生什么情况9.到场,露面,出现,来到,到达;在约定的(或预期的时间或地点)抵达;应某人邀请…:Many distinguished guests turned up at the meeting yesterday.许多贵宾出席了昨天的会议。10.(被)发现;(被)找到:My pen turned up in a drawer.我的钢笔在一个抽屉里找到了。The detective turned up some new clues to the case.侦探发现了这个案子的一些新线索。11.证明是,结果是:They turned up missing at the roll call.结果他们在点名时缺席。12.(机器)马力可达到,转速达到,功率达到:This motor turns up 100 horsepower.这台发动机的功率达到100马力。13.[口语]使呕吐;使作呕,使厌恶,使不舒服:The sight of the pool of blood turned me up.一看到那滩血我就要呕吐。14.杀死15.【航海学】(帆船)逆风换抢16.【航海学】把(水手)召集到甲板上17.[英国英语]参考(书等),查阅(书籍);在书中查(词等);寻找:Turn up your dictionary when you come across difficult words.碰到难词时查查词典。

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